QRP Ham Radio Station




Op.: Claus


Location: JO31NB

DOK: G11





Technical Information


Home Shack (that’s not me!!)

Total overview (on the monitor spectrum analysing)

Total overview (on the monitor HRD supersweep)

Total overview (on the monitor HRD waterfall)

Total overview (on the monitor remote window)

Detail (control unit for remote operation)


Detail (control modem for remote operation)


Antenna HF



Antenna VHF7UHF/SHF (exemplary)


Project „Remote-Operation“

19” module for server cabinet

Server cabinet (before mounting remote unit)

Server cabinet (after mounting remote unit)


Cabeling….  ;-)


Server cabinet (current state – sorry for the bad quality)

Antenna HF (preliminary!!)


19” power unit (with webswitch 1216H by microbit, Sweden)

Android software for remote controlling of power unit/webswitch (screenshots)


Home-made CI-V-interface


PTT-modification (integration of opto coupler)

Home-made NF-coupler for HRD operation (at control facility)



Preliminary results: After challenging configuration the system works fine. I did not recognize any problems so far. With regard to thermical issues I have to experience the next summer. But it should not be a major subject since I mostly work QRP.

In case of any questions do not hesitate and contact me.




Thanks for joining!!


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